Enero Zapatista 2024
To the Adherents of the Sixth Declaration and the Declaration of Life in the United States;
To the Adherents of the Sixth in Mexico and abroad:
To the networks of rebellion, resistance, support, and solidarity with the EZLN and the CNI;
To all those who resist capitalism from below and to the left and feel inspired by the EZLN’s struggle:
We invite you to the 21st anniversary of a month-long series of politically and culturally conscious events carried out over the last two decades on unceded Kumeyaay land (otherwise known as San Diego, California) commemorating the Zapatistas uprising in January 1994.
Our month of events, Enero Zapatista, has been coordinated by a committee with more than a dozen collectives and organizations who responded to the call to organize as kin and comrades, offering a space for deep discussion, political education, and mutual preparation for our collective liberation. We invite you to accompany each other in our interconnected struggles and resistances and to participate in this month-long series of political education, mutual support, and comradery during the month of January 2025 in collaboration with grassroots collectives in the borderlands.
The theme for this year’s Enero Zapatista is…. We Teach Life: Towards Different Geographies and Calendars. For the 2025 Enero Zapatista, we will have the honor of holding the opening ceremony in the land of the Cahuilla and Cupeño nation on January 4th, an opening Enero art reception on January 5th, a Fundraising closing concert on January 31st, and the formal closing with a Mayan fire ceremony led by a member of the Chiapas-based human rights organization Frayba on the same day of Breaking Down Borders 5k run on February 8, 2025. Please check all the events for the month and participate, get involved, and build community. All we have is each other.
In solidarity,
Enero Zapatista Coordinating Committee (flyer art by @gera_larueda)